Chemical surface-active agents, which serve as emulsifiers, are classified by the electrochemical charge that is attained when they dissociate in a water solution. In the case of cationic emulsions, the chemical charge is positive. The chemical type and quantity of surface-active agent used in the manufacturing process governs the process in which the resulting asphalt emulsion can be used.
Utilisation de l’émulsion de bitume dans les mines souterraines
1999 – Usage of Emulsion Mixes to Mitigate the Effect of Subgrade Movements – Croteau, Boston and Davidson
Méthode de récupération sur les propriétés des résidus CQS et leur corrélation avec le micro-rendement
2010-Recovery Method on Properties of CQS Residues and Their Correlation to Micro Performance-Kucharek and Davidson Recovery Method on Properties of CQS Residues and Their Correlation to Micro Performance
Propriétés des cohésifs et adhésifs d’émulsion RS durant la construction des traitements de surface
2006-Adhesive and Cohesive Properties of RS Emulsions during Chip Seal Construction – Kucharek, Davidson and Croteau
Vue d’ensemble de la conception des systèmes de traitement de surface basés sur l’émulsion de bitume au Canada et à l’étranger
2005 – Overview of the Design of Emulsion Based Seal Coat Systems in Canada and Abroad-Davidson,Croteau,Houston and Linton
Méthode générale de conception pour les scellements et traitements de surface
1969-A General Method of Design for Seal Coats and Surface Treatments-Norman McLeod
Recyclage en place à froid des matériaux avec émulsion/ciment
1997 – Deep Cold In-Place Recycling with EmulsionCement – Favretti, Croteau and Davidson