Conception et performances sur le terrain des chaussées en asphalte construites à froid (CCAP) avec des asphaltes gélifiés
2019-CTAA-Design and Field Performance of Cold-Constructed Asphalt Pavements (CCAP) with Gelled Asphalts
2019-CTAA-Design and Field Performance of Cold-Constructed Asphalt Pavements (CCAP) with Gelled Asphalts
2019-CTAA-Development and Field Experience of Performance-Based Low Permeability Asphalt Mixture Used to Overlay Bridge Decks
2019-Development of a Performance-Based Asphalt Mixture Overlay for Usage In A Low-Budget Pavement Management System
2019-CTAA-Development of a Performance-Based Asphalt Mixture Overlay for Usage In A Low-Budget Pavement Management System
2017-CTAA Twelve-Year Performance Review of Bloomington Road (York Region Road 40) Rehabilitation using Cold-In-Place Recycling and a 6.7mm Fine Stone Mastic Asphalt
2017-CTAA-Mixture Design and Field Experience of Red Hot Mix Asphalt on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes in Ontario
2017-CTAA-Development and Evaluation of a Non-Tracking Asphalt Emulsion for Tack Coats and Fog Seals